
  • How can I start registering my profile?

    You can login to the website www.tamilmudaliyarmatrimony.com and register your profile online for FREE and under PAID MEMBERSHIP AS PLANS DETAILED IN SITE. Every new profile will be validated by our ADMIN (Backend Team) and upon activation; your profile will be visible to all. You will get a notification once the profile is active breguet tradition replica

  • Can I register on behalf of a relative or a friend?

    Yes you can! In the Registration form you can specify your relationship with the person on whose behalf you are registering

  • How much do I have to pay to register on tamilmudaliyarmatrimony.com?


  • What are the benefits of registering on tamilmudaliyarmatrimony.com under Paid Membership Plan ?

    You can avail of the following services:-
    • Create and manage your profile on tamilmudaliyarmatrimony.com.
    • Add photos and Horoscope to your Profile
    • Add your Partner preference to find the kind of person you are looking for
    • Search and View Profiles
    • Express Interest in other Members and respond to Members who Express Interest in you
    • See Members who viewed your Profile, www.allhomagewatch.com Members who Expressed Interest in you and Members who match your Partner Preferences
    • Shortlist a Profile that you like.

  • How long does it take to register and create a Profile on tamilmudaliyarmatrimony.com?

    Registration and Profile creation can be completed in less than 10 minutes. However considering the importance of the task involved we advise the member to take due time and effort to create profile.

  • How to upload my photos/Horoscope and how many photos can be uploaded?

    You can upload in continuation of registration or through Manage Photos & Manage Horoscope links after logged in as per plans with a Maximum of 3 photos are allowed to upload.

  • Can I edit all my details?

    At any time, you can update your profile by clicking Modify Profile link after logged in.

  • Can I bookmark a Profile and delete shortlisted profiles?

    This facility is available only to PAID MEMBERSHIP. You can bookmark any profile and check it under My Bookmarks links, It is not possible to delete the bookmarked profiles.

  • My Religion/Caste/Mother tongue/Profession is not listed in the Registration form. What should I do?

    In such a case we request that you use the 'Other' option provided to you. Also, you can send an email to us listing the new addition you would like us to make to the Registration form for our consideration.

  • How to identify my Profile?

    A Profile ID is automatically generated by tamilmudaliyarmatrimony.com which uniquely identifies your Profile. Every Member has a unique Profile ID. Other Members can also search for your Profile using the Profile ID search feature.

  • Please tell me the do’s and dont’s.

    Generally do not use your Profile to display your contact details AND FURNISH THE SAME IN THE RESPECTIVE FIELDS. Do not make commercial use of it and do not include content that is vulgar, patek philippe calatrava replica pornographic or racist. See our Terms and Conditions/Private policy as detailed as possible while creating your Profile. After your Profile is activated, be sure to fill in the Partner Preference and also to upload a photograph. The more information you add, the more your chances of finding a partner.

  • How can I contact other Members on tamilmudaliyarmatrimony.com?

    Contacting Members on tamilmudaliyarmatrimony.com is AVAILABLE TO ONLY PAID MEMBERSHIP AS PER PLAN AND NOT UNDER FREE PLANS. You can contact Members that you like by Expressing Interest in their Profiles. These Members will receive an Interest from you, in their Inbox and will additionally receive a notification as well. These Members can choose to respond to your Interest by Accepting or declining it.

Kindly create a support request if you do not find answers to any of your queries in this page.

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